Access to Personnel Files

We keep personnel files for all employees. The personnel files include the job applications and related hiring documents, training records, performance documentation, salary history, and other employment records. Your permanent and official personnel file is maintained only in the Department of Human Resources. The information in your file will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with business operations. 

Departments may keep a separate personnel file for each of their respective Team Members. Department personnel files may include discipline, attendance records, variances, reward and recognition, coach and catch log and other department specific records. Department files shall not include confidential medical information or FMLA/LOA information. 

Personnel files are the property of the Company. Because personnel files contain confidential information, the only people who can see them are people with a legitimate business reason. If you wish to review your own file, contact your Human Resources Department. You will need to give advance notice if you wish to see your file. You may review your file only when a representative of the Company is also present. Unless expressly permitted by state law, Team Members will not be permitted to copy or change any of the materials contained in the file.
