
Our customers expect that service will be available when needed. Therefore, employees are expected to be punctual and to keep absences to a minimum. Employees must notify their immediate supervisor at least 3 hours prior to their scheduled shift when a necessary absence from work is anticipated. When an unexpected absence or tardy arises, employees should notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible but no later than the start of your scheduled shift. Any absence of 3 or more consecutive scheduled shifts due to illness or injury may require documentation from a treating healthcare provider for verification. Upon return to work a medical release from a treating physician may be required. Failure to provide an appropriate release could delay returning to work.

Failure to appropriately notify a supervisor as soon as reasonably possible in advance of an absence will result in corrective action up to and including termination. Excessive excused and/or unexcused absences or tardiness will be subject to KBP’s Performance Policy. Absences resulting from approved leave, time off, or legal requirements are not subject to the policy. KBP reserves the right to apply unused paid time off for absences.

An employee who fails to report to work and fails to notify the supervisor of the reason for absence from work for two scheduled shifts will be considered to have abandoned his/her job. The employee is deemed to have voluntarily quit and their employment will be terminated immediately.

Excused absences may include absence or tardy reported as required, and:

  1. Circumstances of an emergency nature which made it impossible to report to work, i.e., serious accident, death in the family, employee illness with doctor’s note, employee or family illness requiring prompt medical attention (in most cases, family illness should not require a person to miss more than 8 hours of work) or
  2. Requested absences and received prior permission from your supervisor (at least one day's notice must be given in order to have permission granted).

Unexcused absences may include any absence that does not qualify as excused. Repeated or excessive tardiness/absences may result in corrective action, up to and including termination of employment.
