Electronic Communications

KBP provides various employees with access to various forms of electronic communication and equipment including but not limited to computers, internal/external mail (e-mail), text messaging, telephones, telephone voicemail, iPads and Internet access which are intended to be used for KBP business during working hours. All information on these systems and equipment is the sole and exclusive property of KBP. Nothing contained herein will preclude an employee form engaging in conduct that is protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

KBP’s computers and the data stored on them are and always remain the property of the Company. As such, all messages and files created, sent, or retrieved over the Internet or any of the Company’s electronic communication devices are the property of the Company, and may be accessed by KBP. Therefore, employees should not put personal data or other personal information on the computers or equipment. Employees have no right to privacy as to any information or file transmitted or stored through the company’s computer systems, telephones, voicemail, electronic mail, or other technical resources.

You are responsible for any information or files transmitted or stored through the Company’s computer systems, voicemail, phone, electronic mail, or other technical resources with your password. Passwords should not be shared with other employees.

Employees may access only messages, files or programs, whether computerized or not, that they have permission to enter. Unauthorized review, duplication, dissemination, removal, damage, or alteration of files, passwords, computer systems or programs, voicemail messages, or other property of the Company, or improper use of information obtained by unauthorized means, may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Electronic communications or equipment containing offensive content can be a violation of KBP’s EEO policy and grounds for discipline.

Employees who have access to the internet at KBP may use the internet for business purposes during working hours. To ensure compliance with this policy, KBP may monitor the web sites that our employees visit via our computers. The use of KBP computers to trade securities, gamble, shop, view sexually explicit materials or for any other improper purpose while at work or on KBP property is grounds for termination. Nothing contained herein will preclude an employee from engaging in conduct that is protected by Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.

Violations of any guidelines listed above may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. In addition, the company may advise appropriate legal officials of any illegal violations.
