
KBP Brands is committed to helping employees balance the demands of juggling work, family and life-related issues. We understand that our employees have personal commitments that may arise during regular business hours (Monday-Friday between 8:00am-5:00pm CST*). We believe in providing employees with some flexibility when it comes to office hours in order to accommodate busy schedules and personal engagements.

A flextime schedule is not appropriate for all positions or for all employees. No employee is entitled flextime; however, where possible, flextime will be granted to employees to help accommodate outside commitments.

*Depending on the nature of an employee’s role, it may be acceptable for the employee to arrive between 8:00-9:00am CT and leave between 5:00-6:00pm CT. If an employee has prearranged such a schedule outside of normal office hours, it does not need to be reflected as flextime.

What is flextime?

Flextime is a policy in which an employee works at least 40 hours during a five-day workweek, but there is flexibility in an employee's set scheduled starting and ending times. Some employees, due to family or personal obligations, work very early in the morning and leave earlier in the afternoon. Other flextime employees may prefer or need to start later in the day and work into the evening.

The purpose of flextime is not to reduce the number of hours worked in the office. It is not a work from home policy and is not intended to create a four-day workweek. Full days off are considered paid time off. The flextime policy is designed to provide employees with increased flexibility (approximately ten hours per week) with their work schedule, while allowing KBP Foods to maintain a progressive and productive work environment.

How It Works:

  • Request: An employee must proactively send a written request for flextime to their department’s senior leadership at least 2 weeks in advance of the need. Flextime is a planned activity and is separate from other unexpected absences.
  • Gain Approval: The department’s senior leadership is responsible for reviewing and approving flextime for each employee within their department. Ongoing flextime schedule arrangements will be piloted for three months prior to final approval. Once approved, flextime schedule arrangements must be reviewed annually, at the beginning of each calendar year, by the supervisor to determine if the arrangement is still a viable option for the department.
  • Communicate: Each department’s administrative support person will manage a calendar that keeps track of flextime for employees within their department**. The purpose of this is to a) keep other employees informed if someone should need the individual during flextime and b) prevent entire departments from taking flextime at the same time.
    • **Please note, this is not meant to invade employees’ privacy. The flex work calendar will simply show periods of time when an employee has scheduled flextime, not location.
  • Stay Connected: It is expected that KBP can contact an employee during flextime if an urgent matter arises***. An employee should be available during flextime hours unless previously discussed with their department head.
    • ***KBP Brands does not offer additional employee benefits to supplement employees being out of the office, including but not limited to additional cellphone reimbursement plans.

Flexible work arrangements are not appropriate for all employees or positions and are not a universal employee benefit. The following conditions must be met for a flexible work schedule to be approved: The employee must have a satisfactory attendance record, meet all performance expectations in their current role, and consistently demonstrate the ability to complete tasks and assignments on a timely basis.

The nature of the employee's work and responsibilities must be conducive to a flexible work arrangement without causing significant disruption to performance and/or service delivery. This may vary during certain periods throughout the year.
