Personal Leave of Absence (Non-Medical)

Employees may occasionally need time off from work to address important non-medical personal matters that are not covered other leave policies. Under these circumstances, employees with at least 90 days of current service may request a personal leave of absence, not to exceed 90 cumulative days within a calendar year. If business needs allow, the leave must be approved by the Area Coach. If an employee fails to return from a personal leave, he/she is considered to have voluntarily resigned and will be separated from employment.

Requests for personal leave must be made in writing at least 2 weeks before the leave begins and must fully explain the reason for the leave. Any approved personal leave requires that all accrued PTO be utilized while being absent on leave.

If you and/or your family participate in our group health plan, the Company will maintain coverage during your personal leave (up to 12 weeks) on the same terms as if you had continued to work. If applicable, you must make arrangements to pay your share of health plan premiums while on leave. In some instances, the Company may recover premiums it paid to maintain health coverage or other benefits for you and/or your family from either paid leave programs you are using while on unpaid personal leave, and/or recover remaining premiums upon your return to work.

You must not accept other employment or apply for unemployment insurance while you are on a personal leave of absence or continue any outside employment that is inconsistent with your need for leave. Acceptance of other employment while on leave will be treated as a voluntary resignation from employment at the Company.

An employee who falsifies the reasons for requesting a personal leave is automatically terminated from employment as of the date the leave commenced.

The granting of a personal leave of absence does not guarantee your position will be available upon your return from the leave. The Company endeavors, however, to place employees returning from personal leave in their former position, or in a position comparable in status and pay. If you refuse the offer of an alternate position, you will be considered to have resigned as of the date of refusal.
