Photographing, Taping or Recording at Work

Employees are not prohibited from photographing, taping or recording, or attempting to record any person, document, conversation, communication, or activity that occurs at, or is related to the business activities of the Company. However, the following are examples of restrictions that do apply:

  • Working time is for work. Unless photographing, taping or recording is required as part of a job function you are performing, it should not be done during your working time. Photographing, taping or recording during non-working time is permitted, subject to the other qualifications below.
  • If photographing, taping or recording would violate other Company policies, such as the Company’s policy prohibiting discrimination based on any protected characteristics, it is not permitted at any time.
  • Photographing, taping or recording Company trade secrets or other confidential information, such as customer lists, internal financial information and account numbers, proprietary technical formulas and processes, and protected medical records, is not allowed at any time.
  • Photographing, taping or recording that infringes on reasonable expectations of privacy, such as the privacy of co-workers using restrooms and locker rooms, is not permitted.
  • Recording coworkers without their knowledge or consent may infringe on their privacy rights. Nonconsensual recordings may be viewed as particularly intrusive and unreasonable, and result in claims of illicit harassment; be aware that some religions may prohibit the taking of photographs or videos of members of that religion.
  • Some jurisdictions have laws that prohibit recordings of any person without their knowledge or consent. Recording in any manner that violates state or federal law is prohibited.

Photographing and videotaping is not restricted when employees are acting in concert for their mutual aid and protection and no overriding contrary interest is present. Consistent with the foregoing, recordings may include Team Members documenting workplace conditions, or other terms or conditions of employment.
