Substance Free Workplace

KBP has a longstanding commitment to maintaining a safe and productive work environment free from unlawful drugs and alcohol and complies with all applicable laws.

As a condition of continued employment, employees are prohibited from reporting to work, performing work duties and/or attempting to work with any unlawful drugs or alcohol in your system. Employees are also prohibited from using, possessing, buying, selling, trading, manufacturing, distributing, dispensing or making arrangements or offering to distribute unlawful drugs or alcohol while at work, while performing job duties, off site at trainings or meetings on Company or customer property (including personal vehicles onsite), during lunch breaks or in vehicles used for KBP business.

KBP defines “unlawful drugs” as defined by the Federal Government, as well as prescription drugs used by a person who does not have a valid current prescription for such drug. While some states have decriminalized marijuana for medicinal or recreational purposes, KBP is not required to allow the use of marijuana in the workplace for any reason. Marijuana and its use are strictly prohibited on KBP property. Any employee who fails a drug test for marijuana may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination unless otherwise limited by applicable law.

Although the proper use of medication is not prohibited, the abuse of prescription medication is unlawful and may subject you to disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination. Further, you should consult with a Company-designated physician, or Human Resources, if you are legitimately taking medication which you have reason to believe may affect safety or performance. This include but is by no means limited to prescription opioid medications such as OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin, Lortab, Codeine, Morphine, Fentanyl, and other similar medications. Any prescription medication brought onto or into KBP or customer property (including vehicles) must be retained in its original container labeled with the original pharmacy label. You may not take another person’s prescription medication. The law treats the abuse of prescription medication as unlawful drug use.

The presence of any detectable amount of any unlawful drug or alcohol in an employee’s body while performing or attempting to perform Company business or on Company property is prohibited.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

All employees are subject to any medically and legally accepted method of drug and alcohol screening, including but not limited to hair, urine, saliva, and breath testing, in the following circumstances:

  • Reasonable suspicion: Employees may be required to submit to drug or alcohol testing where there is a reason to believe they are working or have reported to work with alcohol or unlawful substances in their system or is otherwise in violation of this policy.
  • Post-accident: Employees will be required to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing after involvement in any accident while at work, whether the employee suffers an injury.
  • Return to work/Follow-up: Employees who are returning from a leave of absence.
  • Under any other circumstance permitted by law.

All employees have the responsibility to report and be at work in a fit condition, free from alcohol or drug impairment, to perform their jobs without unnecessary risk to themselves or others.

Employees who refuse to submit to a test or have a positive test for alcohol or drugs may be disqualified for unemployment benefits and/or may be disqualified for workers’ compensation benefits following a workplace injury. Refusal to submit to alcohol or drug screening or interfering with screening in any way, including but not limited to submission of a diluted or adulterated sample, will subject the employee to immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination.
