Workplace Security and Anti-Violence

KBP is committed to providing a workplace that is free from violence or threats of violence. In keeping with this commitment, KBP has established a policy for actual or threatened violence against co-workers, customers, vendors, or any other person who has contact with employees in the course of their duties. Security and safety in the workplace are every employee’s responsibility.

Carrying or concealing a weapon on KBP property; fighting, inciting to fight, or attempting to inflict bodily injury upon another person on KBP property; exhibiting disorderly conduct, such as the use of profanity, threatening, intimidating, or using abusive language toward another person; engaging in any form of horseplay, scuffling, or mischief that shows a disregard for the safety, comfort, or work performance of others is strictly prohibited.

Due to the importance of this policy, employees who violate any of its terms, who engage in or contribute to violent behavior, or who threaten others with violence may be subject to corrective action, up to and including immediate termination from employment.

Every verbal or physical threat of violence must be treated seriously and should be reported immediately to your supervisor or Human Resources at 888-971-2991.

Any KBP employees who come forward to report violations of this policy will be protected against retaliation in any form consistent with KBP’s No Retaliation policy.
